Lisa's Lectures
Your Instructor
Lisa is the owner of In The Zone, LLC. She presents agility, conditioning and massage seminars across the continent. She teaches online classes through In the Zone Dog Training School as well as Bobbie Lyons Canine Campus and Clean Run Learning Center. Lisa hosts around 8 NADAC Trials yearly as In The Zone Agility.
Lisa is one of the most accomplished distance handlers in NADAC. Her consistent, clear positive approach to dog training is evidence with her continual success with multiple dogs as well as the success of her students. Lisa has come home from the NADAC Championships with 13 trophies with 6 different dogs. She has finished in Overall Top 3 at NADAC Champs 29 times with 10 different dogs including her Brittany and Aussie. She has earned very rare and extremely hard to achieve distance awards with multiple dogs show consistency with distance and speed.
- Multiple NADAC Championship Winners/Top 3 with Multiple Dogs (10 dogs on Podium)
- 4 Dogs with MODSQUAD (Master of Distance and Speed)
- 4 Dogs with over 32 Distance Awards (Silver, Gold and Purple Distance and Versatility Distance Cups)
As well as an agility expert, she also is very knowledgeable in canine and equine fitness and bodywork. She is a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, Certified Pet Massage Practitioner, Certified Canine Myo-Manipulative Functional Practitioner, Certified Animal Cold Laser Practitioner, Certified Canine & Equine Craniosacral Practitioner, and a Certified Canine and Equine Kinesiology Tape Practitioner.
Lisa currently has six Border Collies and a small mix breed rescue dog She has owned, trained and completed with 17 dogs which have ranged from soft to hard and slow to fast and novice to multiple championships. She has been teaching agility seminars for over 15 years giving her years of experience with many different breeds, skills and issues. This allows Lisa to bring real life experiences into her training that includes good foundation training, skill training, motivation and consistent, clear handling all in a fun positive way.
While she primarily competes in NADAC, her training and handling philosophy translates to all venues. Path work is paramount in all venues. Being able to draw efficient lines, speedy independent obstacles, and providing clear and consistent cues help teams compete successfully in all venues.
Lisa grew up in the horse world training and showing Quarter Horses as well as dabbling on the racetrack. She also played volleyball and softball. The skills learned training and competing in other sports have transferred to dog training. In the past few years, Lisa is back in the horse world competing in cow sorting with her horse Kismet and Stella. Coming back to the horse world and learning a whole new sport is making her a better dog trainer and teacher.
To view more about her
Course Curriculum
StartDeliver Treats
StartTreats vs toys
StartReward Markers
StartReward Moments of Brilliance
StartTarget Lure Reward
StartDon't Fix Off Courses or Missed Obstacles
StartDraw Path to Target
StartTraining Tips
StartChamps Videos
StartWhat to do if a mistake is made
StartMy Bonus Runs
StartEye Contact
StartSustained Behaviors
StartTricks are Better than Come
StartLotus Ball
StartTo let people pet your pup or not