Want something fun to do with your dog?
Do you want to learn fun, safe exercises to do with your dog?
Do you have fitness equipment and not sure what to do with it?
Interested in canine fitness but not sure where to start?
Enroll now in
Intro to Canine Fitness Class!!
This class will teach you how to do safe, fun exercises for dogs that will help improve body awareness, flexibility, balance, front, hind-end and core strength. It also provides mental stimulation to keep our dogs mind working well too and is a great bonding activity!
Why Take This Class?
-Learn Fun, Safe Exercises for your Dog
-Learn Warmups and Cool Downs
-Provide Mental Stimulation
-Enhance Human Dog Relationship
-Learn a Structured, Balanced Exercise Workout
What You Will Learn
*Warm-ups and Cool Downs
*Exercises to Build Strength and Flexibility
*Exercises to improve Body Awareness and Balance
*Proper Form for Each Exercise
*Foundation exercises and how to progress
*Signs of Fatigue
*Benefits of the Exercises
What does this class include?
*Introduction to Canine Fitness Lectures
*How to Assess Your Dog
*Moving Exercises
*Front Limb Exercises
*Hind Limb Exercises
*Core Stability Exercises
*Lateral Strength * Stability Exercises
*Flexibility Exercises
*All Body Workouts
Lessons Include:
Conditioning Overview
- Exercise Guidelines
- Signs of Fatigue
- Progression
- Form
- Anatomy
- Warm ups & Cool Downs
Exercises focused on:
- Isometric Exercises
- Moving Exercises
- Spinal Flexibility Exercises
- Lateral Strength & Stability Exercises
- Hind Limb Exercises
- Front Limb Exercises
- All Body Exercises
- Flexibility Exercises
- Workout Examples
- Geriatric Dog Exercises
Who Should Participate?
This class is open to any healthy sound dog (no puppies).
What Level Are the Exercises? Foundation exercises with more advanced exercise options will be shown. So if you are a beginner to fitness you will learn the foundations and how to start the exercises. If your dog is experienced, your dog will be challenged with more advanced options.
Equipment: Most exercises will be using 2 balance pads, and 2 different sized feed buckets. Advanced Exercises will use balance equipment. I will use Fitbones but you can use any balance equipment that is appropriate for the exercise and your dog. There are many possible equipment options using household items such as your couch cushions!
Working Spot: $199 Participants submit videos for review. Lisa will critique the videos and provide invaluable feedback. Students can submit 5 minutes of video per lesson.
Auditing Spot: $129 Participants can watch all content and ask questions. They do not submit videos.
Lisa is the owner of In The Zone Agility LLC and is one of the most accomplished handlers in NADAC. Her consistent, clear positive approach to dog training is evidence with her continual success with multiple dogs! She offers agility, conditioning and massage seminars across the continent and puts on about 12 NADAC trials a year.
Lisa has come home from the NADAC Championships with 10 trophies with 5 different dogs. She has finished in Overall Top 3 at NADAC Champs 22 times with 9 different dogs including her Brittany and Aussie. Tandem, JP7 and Revolution earned the coveted Purple MODSQUAD award--Master of Distance and Speed which requires high level distance handling and speed. Less than 25 dogs in the world have this award and Lisa has three of them. JP7 and Tandem earned the Distance Cup Award. Nine of her dogs have over 175 NATCHES, over 45 Speed Stars. Eight of her dogs have almost 200 Bonus Runs (requires big distance skills). Her dogs are consistently in the Top 10 every year and in most categories in the NADAC Hall of Fame.
To learn more about Lisa visit: www.inthezoneagility.com